YouTube Who are your favorite Youtubers and why?

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
OfficialNerdCubed is definitely my favorite YouTuber. Genuine game reactions, reviews, and personality. What you get in the videos is what you get in reality.

Personally, I believe he is the best YouTuber to base yourself off of because he doesn't believe in brand deals and won't change his opinion no matter how much money you give him. If your product sucks a pile of crud, he'll say it does.


Distinguished User
Nov 4, 2014
US, Ohio
Darkkefka. Pretty much made me want to start doing videos back in 07. When this was happening I was using another account which I've since closed. But seeing his old FFX videos made me want to start making my own gaming videos and from there I just became totally into YouTube.

Brent Cone

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Nov 21, 2014
Oh God so many great Youtubers!! :) Alright here we go!

3. Matt3756 - He makes really entertaining claw machine videos who've helped me win more at the claw machines!! :D
2. Chickinglicking - He's a funny guy from England who i've been friend with for long time & we make vidz together!! :)
1. Cinemassacre - I love the "AVGN" series & the "James & Mike mondays" :D Been a fan of them for years! :)


Respected User
Jan 24, 2015
1. EricVanWilderman - His silliness, commentary, funniness, his style, smartness, so many sex jokes and accidental jokes, his ideas.
2. Vycemor - Jokes, Childish style, style, commentary, idiotness, screaming, his ideas & alot of other stuff
3. Ada - Cosplays, accidental sex jokes, screaming, his ideas as well xD
4. Bratman - His awesome commentary and everything else.
5. Jacksepticeye - His awesomest personality, jokes, commetary

Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
Awesome! :) But why??? :D[DOUBLEPOST=1443485516][/DOUBLEPOST]

Awwww thank you! :D :D :D
Well, we're around the same age... meaning we grew up playing the same games... plus we also have alot of other stuff in common... so I feel like if we met, we would have alot to talk about...

I really look up to him because he's done everything that I want to do... grow a channel, make a game, and make a movie...


The Portuguese
Freedom! Member
Aug 24, 2015
It can sound strange, but I never had "favourite youtubers" before found Freedom!.
I'm in YouTube, with my personal account, since 2006. I only started to upload some personal videos a year and a half later, and I started to "follow" some guys only three years ago, and I never subscribed any gaming youtuber until two months ago, when I heard about Freedom! network and our family - I know I'm not a member/partner, but can I can Freedom! my family?. I realize that, even following two or three youtubers, I never watch every videos from a single playlist, for instance, and I think that's because I never was really into this. But now, as a small youtuber and with my new gaming only channel, I understand the importance of all this. I was never that social, even in real life, but I never understood quite well how "youtube works", if I can say so.

Right now, I'm following only a youtuber I do like. I've subscribed, literally, three channels since my gaming channel creation (15th October 2015). Freedom's channel, a friend of mine and Britt's Games (now as BBPaws). Here's why.
BBPaws (a.k.a. Britt's Games): I've been learning a LOT from her. Freedom! family is probably the entity from who I learned the most, and it's natural that this big family would not realize it until now. Indirectly, Brittany and Freedom! are giving me tools to work with, and to me that's priceless. There's a chinese saying I like and it represent this quite well, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; Teach a man to fish and you give him for a lifetime". I will never be able to thank anyone for this. I'm not a new person in this multimedia projects, but I didn't knew youtube a year ago as I know now. I like to follow Brittany's work because her content has great great quality and, even I don't like everything - like Minecraft, for instance; just because I can't understand it - I do like her content overall. I loved her "Life is Strange" playthrough so much that I really want to buy the game and do it totally different. Also, she's really natural on her videos and the everything looks so easy, so fun and unique.
I'm not saying this because I'm in the Freedom! forum or because Brittany is probably one of the well known gals in here, but because I feel it, because I believe her work's great. I'm not "flatter" anyone or anything, I'm saying what I think - and believe me, I'm not used to say what I think, but it feels nice!
So, in the end, BBPaws is, for now, the one and only channel I trully follow and like. I know there are sooooo many cool channels out there I'd love to follow, but I didn't found them yet. I hope to be more open minded and have more channels to look for, more styles thoughs, more people to watch.

P.S.: I'm portuguese, and some english grammar aspects are not that easy to me. If I'm saying/writing something wrong, please let me know. In the end, I just want everyone understand what I want to say. (I study english since my 5 years old, and I'm 23 now, but the truth is that sometimes it's really confusing to me, mainly when I have my head so full of things to think about as now. Sorry, again.)
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Renowned User
Jul 12, 2015
Well, we're around the same age... meaning we grew up playing the same games... plus we also have alot of other stuff in common... so I feel like if we met, we would have alot to talk about...

I really look up to him because he's done everything that I want to do... grow a channel, make a game, and make a movie...

Well that's awesome! :) I hope you get to meet him someday then! :D[DOUBLEPOST=1443569380][/DOUBLEPOST]
It can sound strange, but I never had "favourite youtubers" before found Freedom!.
I'm in YouTube, with my personal account, since 2006. I only started to upload some personal videos a year and a half later, and I started to "follow" some guys only three years ago, and I never subscribed any gaming youtuber until two months ago, when I heard about Freedom! network and our family - I know I'm not a member/partner, but can I can Freedom! my family?. I realize that, even following two or three youtubers, I never watch every videos from a single playlist, for instance, and I think that's because I never was really into this. But now, as a small youtuber and with my new gaming only channel, I understand the importance of all this. I was never that social, even in real life, but I never understood quite well how "youtube works", if I can say so.

Right now, I'm following only a youtuber I do like. I've subscribed, literally, three channels since my gaming channel creation (15th October 2015). Freedom's channel, a friend of mine and Britt's Games (now as BBPaws). Here's why.
BBPaws (a.k.a. Britt's Games): I've been learning a LOT from her. Freedom! family is probably the entity from who I learned the most, and it's natural that this big family would not realize it until now. Indirectly, Brittany and Freedom! are giving me tools to work with, and to me that's priceless. There's a chinese saying I like and it represent this quite well, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; Teach a man to fish and you give him for a lifetime". I will never be able to thank anyone for this. I'm not a new person in this multimedia projects, but I didn't knew youtube a year ago as I know now. I like to follow Brittany's work because her content has great great quality and, even I don't like everything - like Minecraft, for instance; just because I can't understand it - I do like her content overall. I loved her "Life is Strange" playthrough so much that I really want to buy the game and do it totally different. Also, she's really natural on her videos and the everything looks so easy, so fun and unique.
I'm not saying this because I'm in the Freedom! forum or because Brittany is probably one of the well known gals in here, but because I feel it, because I believe her work's great. I'm not "flatter" anyone or anything, I'm saying what I think - and believe me, I'm not used to say what I think, but it feels nice!
So, in the end, BBPaws is, for now, the one and only channel I trully follow and like. I know there are sooooo many cool channels out there I'd love to follow, but I didn't found them yet. I hope to be more open minded and have more channels to look for, more styles thoughs, more people to watch.

P.S.: I'm portuguese, and some english grammar aspects are not that easy to me. If I'm saying/writing something wrong, please let me know. In the end, I just want everyone understand what I want to say. (I study english since my 5 years old, and I'm 23 now, but the truth is that sometimes it's really confusing to me, mainly when I have my head so full of things to think about as now. Sorry, again.)

Youtube is pretty confusing to me, so I know what you mean lol. I'm glad you have learned so much from Freedom! and BBPaws :) It's nice to see that someone values and appreciates another's work so much! :D I hope you are able to get "Life is Strange" (that sounds like an awesome game, so I'm going to have to check that out myself!) soon :D Also, your English grammar is really good :)
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jun 22, 2015
Hewitt, Texas
Well i dont have a specific favorite, but i do know that Chuggaconroy is kinda my favorite because he is what inspired me to do some Let's Plays, One-Off Videos were inspired from the Game Grumps (Now i know they do lets plays but many of their conversations aren't really relative to what they are playing)
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The Portuguese
Freedom! Member
Aug 24, 2015
Meu preferido youtuber é o Contente, Porque acho ele bem foda, alem da humildade ele é dos poucos que fala a verdade não se preocupa apenas por dinheiro mas ele curte youtube e ele e minha inspiração para ser um youtuber também .
I think you should post on english... I do understand your post since I'm portuguese, but others can't. So, if this is an english forum, I think you should post in english too, like me.