People who buy Subs, Views, and Likes...


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 16, 2016
Hello People From The Freedom Community
So I had this thought in my mind for quite sometime.
I just want to talk about my thoughts about this topic.

It just irritates me on how people can buy subscribers, views, and likes. When I look at someones channel and then have like 11K subscribers
I think, "Hey, that pretty good." Then I look at there videos and I see
20 views and 3 likes in 3 days... I mean, people shouldn't deserve this amount of subscribers for some people that actually spend their whole SCHOOL night to finish up a recent video (me).

Then there are those people who have 9K views, 100 likes, and NO COMMENTS on ONE VIDEO! It would be likely for people to comment on a video with that amount of views. I asked the person how he got so many views and likes and he said that he didn't know. He told me that he might have gotten a shoutout on Social Media. Another person thought it was fishy too and then he said "Why are people saying this, I had a shoutout from a YouTuber." I asked him for link and he left.
I asked someone that is a Freedom Partner (not going to name who) who had 19K subs or something like that, "Why do you have 19K subscribers but barely any views and likes?" He asked me what video I was talking about which were basically most of his videos xD. I told him and he doesn't answer me and I thought that maybe he was doing something important at the moment. Later when I looked at his profile I knew that he ignored me because he was talking some other weird stuff. Then I look at his YouTube channel and he HID THE SUBSCRIBER AMOUNT!


- No Pros at all except for being
know for buying subscribers on YouTube


- Backlash
- Wasting Money
- No Support

Alright, enough of me talking.
Share your thoughts in the comments!



Active Member
Jul 11, 2015
I agree payed subs aren't loyal and won't stay with you, give feedback or support your videos whereas subs you have earned through hard work will. I can see how people end up doing this though, to list a few reasons, I think the main reason would be bragging rights so you could say that you have a channel with over 10k subs or maybe because you used to have a channel with 10k subs but it got hacked and you don't want to work your way up the YouTube leaderboards again but even though that sucks it happens and paid subs aren't going to change that cos at the end of the day they are literally a number. So yeah I agree with you but don't judge people to quickly cos they paid for subs cos they might actually of earned them (beforehand, been hacked)

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Freedom! Member
Apr 28, 2016
They dont all buy subs, sometimes they just lost parts of their viewship. FifaMonstah for example, 224k subscribers 6k views 15 comments. And he's legit
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Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
I wouldent accuse someone of buying subs... mostly because Ive somehow accumulated 1000 subs and rarely do any of them even watch...

Its mostly my fault... Ive been running my channel for years now... with no schedule at all, and regularly completly switching to different types of content all the time... lol

Like last month I just switched to vive vr gaming only... lol...

I just dont care anymore really...
I just do whatever I want now...

Cause Ive been doing this for years, and it never seems to go anywhere no matter what I do... So I may as well just enjoy myself.
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The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
I don't see the use of buying subs, views and likes for your channel as in the end it will only cause harm.

That aside i can agree to your topic where in some cases it is strange but it is their choice to do things like this wich will backfire at them eventually. Some gain the huge amount by making a click-bait video wich later on they delete. Besides that i have seen gaming channels doing vines in between just to gain subs and such leading that their original content (Gaming) doesn't gain views.

Is it smart? No in the least. But as i said, it is their choice to do things like that.
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Mar 1, 2014
It is indeed annoying to see people like this floating around in the YouTube community.

However, the only entity you should be comparing yourself to is the person you were yesterday, and that doesn't only mean how many views/subs/whatever metrics you acquired. You have to have the right mindset as well to succeed. :)

Those who chose to cheat and use shortcuts, whatever they skipped will catch up with them eventually in the long run.
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Apr 28, 2016
It is indeed annoying to see people like this floating around in the YouTube community.

However, the only entity you should be comparing yourself to is the person you were yesterday, and that doesn't only mean how many views/subs/whatever metrics you acquired. You have to have the right mindset as well to succeed. :)

Those who chose to cheat and use shortcuts, whatever they skipped will catch up with them eventually in the long run.
not true. ricegum used to viewbot and look where he is now, im not saying its good.
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Rising User
Jul 13, 2016
Buying subs is definitely not good for the longevity of a channel. People have to subscribe because they have interest in the content, see the value, and want to come back again. You won't get loyalty from people who receive money to do a favor, by subscribing to a channel. But, some people will try anything:confused:
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Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jun 16, 2016
buying subs or likes or anything like that!? I hate that and everyone who is doing that: those aren't youtubers anymore! they are just morans who thanks to be famous if they do that but they aren't -_-
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Mikolajek 451

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Mar 18, 2016
Who else see the comments - Justin bieber is using . That people are dumb & have virus from that site to post more, more, and more posts adversiting them.
I have in circles VEVO, and virused people from authentichits saying that JB cheating on video because he have billion views, but he not! If someone is cheating views on VEVO, vevo will take care of it. They blaming innocent people to get banned. Just like your enemies can strike you on YouTube for no reason, because of that f* system that they having right now.
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