Recent content by PowderBill

  1. PowderBill

    First Love?

    The first game I really loved was an old JRPG for the PS1 called Legend of Dragoon. It was a 4 disk game and it took me forever to get to the final boss, probably due to how young I was. Unfortunately the data got corrupted and I had not yet learned that multiple saves was a good idea. Needless...
  2. PowderBill

    What was your first game you remember?

    One of the mech warrior games on Super Nintendo, can't quite remember the title since I was so young but I really enjoyed it. The system was gifted to me by one of my cousins and she had a lot of games that I remember playing. I actually taught myself to read with that game now that I think...
  3. PowderBill

    Favorite League of Legends Champion?

    Well Skarner went through that perma-ban phase, so it makes sense that he disappeared from the Rift. I never really thought about taking him top lane though. He's kinda weak to range, and he needs to get his armor before he can really fight. I can see it working better with old Skarner where...
  4. PowderBill

    Favorite League of Legends Champion?

    I'm a jungler, so it bounces between Zac, Nunu, and Skarner. In my defense, I liked skarner before the rework.
  5. PowderBill

    Longest series on your channel?

    Probably my League of Legends series. I'm 34 videos in, and I'd like to think they've gotten better as they go. One of them has nearly broken 1k views, but reddit probably had something to do with that haha.
  6. PowderBill

    League of Legends Summoner Names

    PowderBill NA - Silver I. Hoping to reach plat before season reset so I can do it all over again.