Recent content by XRazzalyn

  1. XRazzalyn

    Official [IMPORTANT] About Freedom! Points

    Nope, I gained over 300% growth a few times and no added points, so using points does nothing currently.
  2. XRazzalyn

    YouTube How to prevent your channel from YouTube Termination!

    It depends on your browser habits - if you use adblock for example you won't see some of the ads which could be malicious (this is what gives the viruses), it's usually a safer than sorry kind of situation. It's not bad in itself but every once and a while you can get a bad ad, specially if you...
  3. XRazzalyn

    YouTube How to prevent your channel from YouTube Termination!

    In a sense it's like double dipping - which is why I always shake my head at big youtubers that used these links - It's like, they already make $3-14k a month (or even more depending), you don't need that extra boost and potentially giving your subs viruses.
  4. XRazzalyn

    Official [IMPORTANT] About Freedom! Points

    So once this is out of beta, will we retain+be rewarded the points we have/owed? Or will it be wiped to force everyone to start from ground 0? (Figuring it will be wiped since a lot of people will have nice benefits from the FP when it moves out of beta.)