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  1. @SoCoolCarter

    YouTube Sync Problem Yoo whats up freedom man... having recording issues... so when i record i have 3 different ways of commentary, (Audacity, Elgato Live commentary, and Logitech webcam mic) Now i dont use the elgato live commentary and logitech webcam mic i just use audacity, now...
  2. @SoCoolCarter

    Thread Locked For No Reason -_-

    So i had my thread locked on here for no reason, didnt do anything wrong didnt get any explaination on why the thread was locked, if you guys were going to lock it i could have at least gotten a reason behind it instead of leaving me in dark. Here is the thread -...
  3. @SoCoolCarter

    Service Request STREAM OVERLAY

    So Basically im A twitch Streamer and a youtuber, i would need someone to make me a twitch overlay, with Recent Sub, Recent follower, Recent donation, things like that i want them to be flashy also (EYE POPPING) We can discuss prices :)
  4. @SoCoolCarter

    Gaming INCREASE YOUR VIEWS/SUBS NOW!! Click here

    I have a twitter group its different genre of people Pc, xbox, ps4 streamers youtubers clans etc, we are trying to expand it so the more people we have the more people can collab etc. The more collaboration, the more views come in and subs:) Works for everybody!! If you want to be apart of it...
  5. @SoCoolCarter

    XBox Xbox one Colab ( NO SUB REQ NO VIEW REQCommunication Needed)

    XBOX ONE ONLY!! Hello im looking for someone who wants to group up with me make videos with me together, Shout each other out etc daily content. Requirments: Have to have each other channels in the descriptions Shout Each other out...
  6. @SoCoolCarter

    Finally Got Partnered!?

    So i finally got partnered with freedom, got access to lots of new features now, but one thing im worried about is. When i joined i heard that freedom will expand your channel, help it get bigger, Now how does this help me in a case, when it comes to views subs etc.
  7. @SoCoolCarter

    2 whole months!!

    So basically my channel isn't active yet kinda mad about it because the guys on here told me to wait 3 weeks then contact support... to get vertified.... so I contact them, they told me I have to wait another whole month.. That's absolutely crazy I don't understand why it's taking so long my...
  8. @SoCoolCarter

    YouTube ThumbNail with no hud

    Anybody have any ideas on how youtubers take the hud display off a thumbnail from screenshots for example cod with no gun count and map, GTA with no map in the bottom corner and car miles, so basically just car and the map
  9. @SoCoolCarter

    Service Request PAYING FOR S/O [Paid]

    So i realise not everything is free in life so im willing to pay for S/O on youtube, Heres how payment and everything else works. 200-500 subs $2 1k-5k subs $5 5k-10k $9 Remember these are just S/O They arent worth alot but everything in life isnt free, If you are willing to give me a S/O for...
  10. @SoCoolCarter

    GFX Request Looking for outro Service [Paid]

    Im looking for someone who can do me a outro service, it will have like a previous video template thats about it, if i like it i will pay you if not will ask for another design .
  11. @SoCoolCarter

    Service Request Channel promoters [Paid]

    Hello im looking for channel promoters 2 at the moment everytime i upload a video i tweet it on my twitter account also. What you guys will be doing is retweeting the tweets everytime i upload a video each tweet counts as 50 cent a person *************** CLOSED**************
  12. @SoCoolCarter

    Gaming SoCoolCarter

    Whats up everybody im new to this im a youtuber like most of you guys . im 20 work 2 jobs and go to school. I have a question thought. How long did it take for freedom to approve you guys stats on the dashboard?