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  1. TopGearGtaONline

    Gaming Hello, introduction of me and my channel

    I read the thread and I figured that I had a custom ID, so this is a message for everyone with a custom id: On your YouTube channel, you have to select "watch as new visitor" or "returning subscriber" to see the link itself, not the custom ID. Btw: thanks Prology and Nuke
  2. TopGearGtaONline

    Gaming Hello, introduction of me and my channel

    Thanks, I used that link even before I uploaded this thread/post. But I have a fault icon underneath my threath, what's that for?
  3. TopGearGtaONline

    Gaming Hello, introduction of me and my channel

    Hey, let me introduce myself. I'm Wannes, 25 years and I'm from Belgium. Freedom has found me with my first YouTube channel (wich I'm still using) I joined the forum to make it a bit easyer for subscribers and for everyone at Freedom to find me, and ask questions if someone has one. My...