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  1. Big Dog Studios

    Crypto Miner Version 0.2.5 + German Language Support!

    not that it matters, but the crypto page is blank now. I also have version 0.2.6 which mine just updated to. Has a full breakdown of mining details. Has a wattage option as well to help on your estimation settings.
  2. Big Dog Studios

    List Your Working Setup

    Your GPU: ATI Radeon 500 (2GB) Your operating system: Windows 10 Current version on the Crypto Miner: v0.2.2.5 Estimated daily earnings: 0.19 to 0.23
  3. Big Dog Studios

    YouTube Uploading "tags"

    Yes use tags correctly. YouTube can ban you for using tags that are no relevant to your video. So do not use tags just to get views, because it can come back and bite you later
  4. Big Dog Studios

    YouTube How Much Does Editing Software Actually Affect The Quality of Videos?

    There is a very good free video editor software that allows you alot of stuff to include in your video editing. Its called OpenShot. I used it and love its features and the addons to include to your videos
  5. Big Dog Studios

    YouTube what is the best time to livestream a game?

    Id say it depends on who you want to target. Most people ive seen who watch the live streams are kids and young adults. Id say mon to fri between 5pm and 10pm and all day on weekends. Mon to friday due to school and work and weekends as usually more people are at home. But like i said it...
  6. Big Dog Studios

    Gaming Video Game Colaboration

    I am looking for someone on either PC or PS4 who would like to do a Colaboration video on games. Like a home run Derby on MLb the Show.
  7. Big Dog Studios

    Community Big Dog Studios Here

    Big Dog studios got their name from the Big Dog shirts. I do gaming and yes i do have a couple of great dog videos. My best one was my new puppys first time in the snow. i have a studio in my home in Wenatchee
  8. Big Dog Studios

    Community Big Dog Studios Here

    Hello and first let me say thank you for the opportunity to be part of freedom. My name is Mike and I own big dog studios in Washington State. I am working on new content and designing an updated channekl graphics to be implimented at the beginning of the new year. Happy Holidays.