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  1. Sacky

    Titanfall 2

    My bad,I completely forgot they added a single player,oops :oops:
  2. Sacky

    Titanfall 2

    Personally,I would wait to see some reviews,multiplayer only games are always something I'm very wary of since they usually lack a lot of content. There were some betas for titanfall 2 so there's some footage online of the game,might be worth checking out :)
  3. Sacky

    No Man's Sky Anticipation

    I'd love to play the game,just to see if it lives up to the hype. I'll wait for a steam sale or something though.
  4. Sacky

    Subscriber Milestone 50 Subscribers :)

    So after about a year of uploading let's plays I finally got to the 50 subscribers point,I kinda thought I'd reach this goal sooner but hey it's more about pacing yourself and persisting through it and hopefully I can manage to keep it up (y) (Y)
  5. Sacky

    Who's excited for Captain America:civil war?

    Now that's dedication haha,it's very good though,so cosplay or not,I'd definitely recommend getting out to see it :)
  6. Sacky

    Who's excited for Captain America:civil war?

    I agree,Saw it myself last night and loved it,a few small gripes here and there but it's amazing it all works given how much stuff is in the movie,definitely looking forward to infinity war now (y) (Y)
  7. Sacky

    Who's excited for Captain America:civil war?

    I think they've kept the best bits hidden,we only saw a few seconds of spider-man,I think they were smart enough to hide the bigger stuff. Personally I'm team cap,after the winter soldier and avengers 2 he's become one of my favourite characters in the movies. I was very disappointed by bvs,I...
  8. Sacky

    Who's excited for Captain America:civil war?

    Hey all Civil war is coming out soon,as a big comic book fan I am really looking forward to this movie,especially after the disappointment I felt after batman v superman. Personally I'm most excited for seeing black panther and spider-man joining the marvel cinematic universe. What's...
  9. Sacky

    Most favourite cartoon!?

    I agree entirely,I absolutely love the work that Bruce Timm and Paul Dini did on the show,amazing portrayals of all the characters on those shows,Zack Snyder could learn a thing or two from them.
  10. Sacky

    PS4.5 Thoughts?

    I haven't bought a ps4 yet so this is something that I'm interested in,I can see how people would be mad,but sony are being smart by not having neo exclusive games. The hardware is important but if the games all play on any either versions of the console then it's cool with me
  11. Sacky

    Gaming A story about my uncle part 1

    Hey all,I did a let's play of 'A story about my uncle' a game that's all about platforming,it's pretty cool,hope you enjoy! :)
  12. Sacky

    Gaming Sacky plays:Metro 2033 Redux edition - part 1

    Hey all,I started playing the redux version of metro 2033,it's a really good game,I'm having fun with it,I hope you all enjoy.
  13. Sacky

    Is Cod Dead / Dying

    I've never thought COD as a bad game in terms of gameplay but it's just become saturated with annual releases and the fanbase isn't great,frankly I'd like to see the games die off for a while or just ease up on releasing every year,make it every 2-3 years instead
  14. Sacky

    VR *136 Voice Actors Needed For BIG Project*

    I'd be up for this,I've always wanted to try out voice acting,if you think my voice would work for parts then I'll try it out :) Youtube: Twitter: