C&C Red Alert 3: Commander's Challenge #3 (Creeping Death)

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Aug 10, 2017 at 9:16 PM
Posted by Jonathan
Completing Red Alert 3 Uprising Commanders Creeping Death in under par time.

► Unlocks: Stricker-VX (Empire)
► My Time: 6 Mins 14 Seconds
► Par Time: 9 Mins
► Difficulty: Challenging
► Commands Challenge Playlist: http://bit.ly/RA3CC-DevJ

This challenge is a Vital one to get done early on to help with some of the challenges later on. This one is also rather difficult and can take time to get right. You'll need to get going quickly with flack troopers to stop the enemy cores from getting over the hill, getting around 7-8 each side of the hill will stop this. The AI will keep spamming these out. This also allow you to get the oil derricks on the high ground. The you should do for hammer tanks and use their leech beams to stay out of range of the guns while taking them down. You should also bait the 2 chopper-VX's that the AI has for free early on to ensure they don't hinder your attack later on.

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