Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars | Nod [10] | Outback [Hard]

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Aug 16, 2017 at 1:20 PM
Posted by Fluffy
Gameplay - Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Campaign - Nod
Mission 10 - Outback
Difficulty - Hard

Full level completion with 100% Primary Objectives, 100% Bonus Objectives & 100% New Intel Gathered on hard difficulty.

A couple notes about playing this mission on Hard:

First, towards the end of the mission, when the timer is counting down until the transports arrive, you can either leave most of your forces near the War Factory for repairs, or you can move your forces (and the nuke transports) south/southwest. If you chose to do the latter, you'll endure fewer, more manageable attacks, making the onslaught more bearable. Stick near the War Factory if you want a bit of a challenge.

Second, as in my Normal difficulty playthrough for this same mission, I attempted to capture all 3 transport trucks. Unfortunately, this is darn near impossible on Hard difficulty - I spent nearly a dozen attempts trying to take on the group that travels along the north edge of the map. This group is comprised of two full-ranked Mammoths and two full-ranked Predators. Every single time, they wiped out everything I tried throwing at them - even all at once. Fortunately, you are not required to capture all 3 transports - you can let this third group slip away and still fulfill the mission requirements.
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