Final Doom | The Plutonia Experiment (Doom 4 For Doom) [8] | Realm (100%)

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Aug 16, 2017 at 1:18 PM
Posted by Fluffy
Playthrough for Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment, using the Doom 4 For Doom mod.

Level 8 - Realm
Difficulty: Ultra Violence
100% kills, 100% items, 100% secrets

Grab Doom 4 for Doom (and any other compatible resource packs you'd like) here:

You'll need GZDoom version 2.2 to run D44D. The official source is here (, but I had difficulty finding version 2.2 there, so I got it from here instead (

Also, you'll need a legit copy of your PLUTONIA.WAD file, either from a copy of your own discs, or from a digital distributor (I purchased & downloaded my copy of Final Doom through GoG).

Add D44D, GZDoom, any other resource packs you've downloaded & your WAD to the same directory, double click D4D DragAndDrop to start the launcher, and you should be good to go! Have a blast!
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