Lara Croft & the Guardian of Light - The Mirror's Wake [1/3]

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:19 PM
Posted by Fluffy
Initial visit to The Mirror's Wake.

Score Challenges:
(✓) - 150,000 points
(✓) - 190,000 points
(✓) - 240,000 points (Golden Shotgun)

Reward Challenges:
(✓) - Collect 10 Red Skulls (Jade Heart)
(_) - Reach Xolotl's stronghold in 6 minutes or less (Mask of Xolotl)
(_) - Achieve a hole-in-one (Stone Serpent)
(✓) - Break 2 shields with 1 truck (Health Powerup)
(_) - Get the first spinning ball into its fire pit in 15 seconds (Ammo Powerup)

(✓) - Ammo Powerup (7:26)
(✓) - Health Powerup (3:19)
(✓) - High Power Shotgun (3:16)
(✓) - Dark Drum (9:33)
(✓) - Clay Serpent (10:54)
(_) - Mask of Cipactli
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