My Thoughts On The Evil Within DLC (2015)

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Dec 18, 2017 at 2:07 PM
Posted by zeke morgan
Review for The Evil Within DLC (2015), which is a collection of three downloadable content for The Evil Within (2014) which for the most part revolve around Juli Kidman, before and after the events of the main game.

The Evil Within DLC consists of the following
The Assignment
The Consequence
The Executioner

‘The Assignment’ was the first DLC to be released on March 10 2015 and largely explains what Kidman was doing after becoming separated from Joseph and Sebastian during the main game, whilst also diving a little more into Kidman’s past and her true motives in the game. This piece of DLC is comprised of two chapters and differs rather heavily from ‘The Evil Within’ as there is more emphasis on stealth - with Kidman being unable to directly engage enemies.

‘The Consequence’ follows on from ‘The Assignment’ and was the second piece of DLC released April 21 2015. This again focuses on stealth however you do get access to both a pistol and shotgun during the later part of this DLC which makes it more action packed than ‘The Assignment’. Similar to ‘The Assignment’ this piece of DLC is also two chapters long and features even more puzzles for Kidman to solve and provides the ability to push enemies off ledges and use all new chemlights in certain areas.

Lastly we have ‘The Executioner’ which is the third and final piece of DLC released May 26 2015 and is stylised around first person battles, in which you play as the iconic Keeper from the main story. ‘The Executioner’ features a very simple battle premise, and storyline as you fight enemies in order to save your daughter from ‘STEM’. This piece of DLC differs completely from ‘The Assignment’ and ‘The Consequence’ as it shifts the attention away from stealth and third person perspective to a more action orientated first person mode - with ‘The Executioner’ providing a variety of weapons for you to use.

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