Reaper of Souls - Achievement Guide - Vecin Kvetchin' [1/5] - Act 1

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:31 PM
Posted by Fluffy
0:00 - The Nature of the World - start at the "Northwest Gate" quest-checkpoint under Act 1.3 (A Shattered Crown); speak with Myriam.
0:24 - The Skeleton King - begin at Act 1.4 (Reign of the Black King); speak with Myriam.
0:47 - The Difficult Path - begin at Act 1.5 (Sword of the Stranger); speak with Cain to advance the quest, then speak with Myriam.
1:14 - The Drowned Temple - begin at Act 1.6 (The Broken Blade); speak with Myriam.
1:38 - Dark Visions - begin at Act 1.7 (The Doom in Wortham); speak with The Stranger to advance the quest, then speak with Myriam.
2:07 - Cain's Passing - begin at Act 1.8 (Trailing the Cover); speak with Leah to advance the quest, then speak with Myriam.
2:34 - An Unnatural Beast - begin at Act 1.9 (The Imprisoned Angel); speak with Myriam.
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