Shadow Warrior (Classic Redux) | Wanton Destruction | Monastery

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Aug 16, 2017 at 1:50 PM
Posted by Fluffy
Playthrough for Shadow Warrior (Classic Redux).

Episode: Wanton Destruction
Level: Monastery


1 - 0:27 (jump into the fake painting)
2 - 1:47 (jump into the fake painting)
3 - 2:32 (jump to the ledge)
4 - 3:22 (use the wall decoration to open the panel in the adjacent room; make your way to the shrine room, then jump into the fake painting)
5 - 4:34 (jump into the well and swim down)
6 - 5:44 (use the statue to open the painting)
7 - 5:56 (upon entering the chamber, enter the left hallway, and use the inset wall to open the wall on the opposite side)
8 - 7:55 (open the wall)
9 - 8:00 (fall)
10 - 8:05 (fall, enter the cave)
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