Offering Reviews for Freedom!


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hey, I'd like your input if you have the time.


I actually skipped you on accident... Sorry bout that.

  • Channel page: Your channel page isn't really far. Your trailer should kind of include you talking over the footage shown. At the moment it's just a slideshow of clips randomly thrown together. The rest of your channel page is default. You know what's funny? You ask people to check out your playlists in the trailer's description. Put some of your playlists on your main channel page to get people to check them out.
  • Thumbnails: I love your new thumbnail design with the logo in the corner. Maybe add that to all of your other older videos as well.
  • Playlists: On a channel like yours I'd recommend you make a few more playlists. While it's hard to categorize your content into multiple categories, try adding some more. Maybe make playlists with 5 or 10 videos each.
  • About page: Try adding an upload schedule. Keep the rest of it.
  • Links: Great!
I hope some of my feedback has helped you.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hi !

at the risk of getting my life crushed and me crying in a corner for hours babbling nonsense and ultimately starving to dead, here is my channel

that do you think about it ?

thanks !
I like my reputation here.
  • Channel page: So you have a nice branding on the channel. I like the green gradient around stuff. Though add some playlists below the trailer. Fill up that page.
  • Channel trailer: It's okay.
  • Thumbnails: I love how you pose differently on each thumbnail while remaining consistent.
  • About Section: Add an upload schedule. The rest can stay.
So to wrap this up, try adding some playlists to your channel page, some vertical and some horizontal. Add an upload schedule to your about page.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Let's go!
  • Channel page:
    Firstly, make a channel banner or have someone make one for you. Then make a proper channel trailer. Below that trailer, showcase your 2 playlists separately.
  • Thumbnails:
    Your thumbnails are good for now.
  • About Section:
    Add an upload schedule and make it longer.
  • Tags on latest 3 videos:
    Add more tags and add some tags that make people find your channel when they look for them. Ranking in the YouTube Search is really important. Try adding unique Tags. Maybe even use vidIQ to suggest a couple to you.
You don't have much content yet. Maybe start one or two other series to make some more videos.

Zane The cat

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 25, 2016
I like my reputation here.
  • Channel page: So you have a nice branding on the channel. I like the green gradient around stuff. Though add some playlists below the trailer. Fill up that page.
  • Channel trailer: It's okay.
  • Thumbnails: I love how you pose differently on each thumbnail while remaining consistent.
  • About Section: Add an upload schedule. The rest can stay.
So to wrap this up, try adding some playlists to your channel page, some vertical and some horizontal. Add an upload schedule to your about page.

Thank you so much ! i hoped not having the garbage can picture in the review XD i will take up your suggestions right away LW001. thanks again !


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Review mine pls
I'm back.
I'll make 4 reviews today if I can as I didn't make some yesterday.
  • Channel art and branding: Your channel art looks nice, the banner is good and the profile picture is nice, but they don't fit together at all. Your banner and profile picture are two whole different stories. As of your banner, it looks great but has a black line below it. Fix that please.
  • Channel page: You know what I'll say here. MAKE A CHANNEL TRAILER. For crying out loud. Also, add some playlists to your channel page. See more about that in the playlists point.
  • Thumbnails: Oh boy will this be a rant. You have some really neat ones but then there's the ones were I sense MS Paint. Your recent minecraft story mode ones are good and I was going to leave it there, but then I saw there's text. Black text. On a black background. Oh god why. After looking for 5 more minutes I've noticed you just google the images. Make your own thumbnails.
  • Playlists: You actually have a couple of playlists! Why not showcase them on your channel page?
  • About Section: Put some information there. Something about you, an upload schedule, you name it.
All in all, make your own thumbnails, start making your channel's branding consistent and fill your channel page.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Hey there! Can you please review my channel and tell what i could improve on?? Thank you so much!
It's hard to give feedback to 6 videos, but I'll try.
  • Jesus, he has a trailer! Your trailer is actually not that bad! :)
  • As of your videos, there's literally no consistency at all. You have 2 first episodes and there's no second ones at all...
So I'll just quickly get out of the bullet points because I have something general to tell you. In your trailer (which I just laughed my ass off about in school) you mention that you are a default gaming channel like thousands of other ones. Here's where my tip here will come into play. When doing something that's being done a lot on YouTube you need to find a way to be different. There's a couple of ways to be different on YouTube and the people that have found one that's working out for them are the huge gaming channels we all know. The few ways I've noticed are:
  1. Finding something people don't do often and try getting it to trend over social media
  2. Uploading the right content at the right time (hence my 1500 views video that I've worked on through the night
  3. Interesting editing (which takes years to learn and ages to do)
While you're going for a comedy style approach, tthere's a huge ton of channels doing gaming with comedy. It's really hard to lift yourself off there. What I do recommend you learn though is what I call tag whoring. You get a browser extension like vidIQ and take videos similar to yours. Then you copy some tags that apply to your video from there. That allows people interested in that to come from larger videos like yours.

_KenkaGaming _

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 25, 2016
I'm back.
I'll make 4 reviews today if I can as I didn't make some yesterday.
  • Channel art and branding: Your channel art looks nice, the banner is good and the profile picture is nice, but they don't fit together at all. Your banner and profile picture are two whole different stories. As of your banner, it looks great but has a black line below it. Fix that please.
  • Channel page: You know what I'll say here. MAKE A CHANNEL TRAILER. For crying out loud. Also, add some playlists to your channel page. See more about that in the playlists point.
  • Thumbnails: Oh boy will this be a rant. You have some really neat ones but then there's the ones were I sense MS Paint. Your recent minecraft story mode ones are good and I was going to leave it there, but then I saw there's text. Black text. On a black background. Oh god why. After looking for 5 more minutes I've noticed you just google the images. Make your own thumbnails.
  • Playlists: You actually have a couple of playlists! Why not showcase them on your channel page?
  • About Section: Put some information there. Something about you, an upload schedule, you name it.
All in all, make your own thumbnails, start making your channel's branding consistent and fill your channel page.
Ok I will try to do everything u said thank u


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
I'm back from ze weekend and Monday stress.
  • Channel page: Your channel page needs help. Your Logo doesn't only not fit to your banner, but even worse, it doesn't fit to your channel. There's nothing about you in that logo and the small text is invisible when scaled down. Make a new one with your channel name. And get a banner that fits it. Your current banner has three main problems: -It has dark red text over a black image -There's not even your channel name on there -It doesn't fit your logo. When you're done with that, make a channel trailer and showcase some more playlists on your channel page.
  • Thumbnails: Put more work into them and make the text easier to read. Also, I may be wrong here, but I think you only google images and put red text that's hard to read over them. Small text and similar colors don't belong into a thumbnail.
  • Playlists: wat get playlists for your content and set the current ones to private. Then showcase your playlists on your channel page.
  • About Section: Add an upload schedule and more channel links.