Gaming An Introduction Of Myself!


New User
Jan 18, 2016
Hey Guys,
My name is StyexHD (Jake)
I'm an Australian YouTuber!
I'm 17 years old, and in my final year of High School!
I discovered Freedom! when I was searching for a partnership program, and i saw a few suggestions to join, so I am giving it a shot!
I started YouTube in the hopes that I could entertain people and bring good quality content to the few people who actual watch my videos!
I run your stereotypical gaming channel :p but I hope that I can bring something new to the YouTube scene, and that it will be an entertaining and fun journey!
My upload schedule is not exactly set in stone, but I will try and upload at least a few video's every week, striving for quality over quantity! (Or maybe both)

My Channel:

I hope that you all join me in this journey that is in front of us!


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 17, 2016
Hey man and welcome to the freedom forum!
Hope you will enjoy your stay here and good luck with your channel!