Entertainment Brand new channel looking for fresh start and to grow!

1UP Will

New User
Dec 4, 2016
Hey I'm 1UP Will here is a link to my brand new channel

I had a channel for 3 years with over 2000 subs and had some pretty good viral videos with one of my ghost hunting vids being feature on Shane Dawson. Most of my subs have left over time due to me getting lazy and taking long breaks. So I wanted to start fresh and build a channel from the ground up. I will be doing gaming vids and also featuring horror films from around the world. also maybe more ghost hunting. I will do top 5 list also and make that a major focus. Going to start with two vids a week. my old I just lost my passion for the old channel and need to cut ties. Ready for a fresh start and please feedback and what you would like to see??

Tell me about your channels too! See you around!

1UP Will

New User
Dec 4, 2016
yes viral videos are good for a quick burst of views and subs
Yes very true. i was just never able build on them and always stop making content. Will stay with this new channel for the long haul and keep people entertained!


Rising User
Dec 4, 2016
Long Island, NY
Yes very true. i was just never able build on them and always stop making content. Will stay with this new channel for the long haul and keep people entertained!
Yes most subs leave after a few days or so but either Way they still help for those that stay. I know someone that got a quick burst of views with getting 44k views on one of his videos and he still managed to build off of them Getting 100 subscribers and a average of 20 views per video which is something he couldn't come near before that video, either way it can go both ways

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Welcome to freedom!
These videos are quite popular and favoured by the related fans in the YouTube community. Keep up the good work and you will grow in no time.