GFX Request Channel art needed

BAXY Productions

New User
Feb 6, 2016
EDIT: This post is for a free request something went wrong with the title and I can't change it

Hello, I'm just starting out my channel and would like to have some channel art to improve my presentation. I have an idea already for how my logo should look and it is pretty basic.

Like I said, pretty basic, just some circles in the layout of the XBOX controller, however I do not want it to look like a controller in the art, I just want the same design. I also have another idea about the color scheme. You don't have to do this if you have something else in mind but since my username starts with the B perhaps it could be red with the rest being white. But like I said that's a small detail so just see what you want to do, I'm thinking of a sleek and bright look for it. I have no art up so far (not even a profile picture) so send in anything and I'll be sure to check it out, thanks!


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New User
Feb 11, 2016
Hello! My name is Jack or RoyalLegenda. I am a graphic designer by profession. So yeah, I do this for a living ;)
Anyway, My logo prices are minimum of 20$, If you are willing to go for professional style.
My website:
No need to hire me there. You can just add me on Skype (search "[email protected]") or Direct message me on Twitter (

Thanks :)

Yup. I used the same msg twice. Big deal xD


Respected User
Freedom! Member
I can do it, i charge relatively cheaper than everyone else. My GFX store is . Its still new I have yet to add more of the previous GFX ive done. In terms of pricing and from what I gather, average I price is 1 thumbnail=$1. But if its 10+ ill make it $8. If its 15+ then $12 and if 20+ then $20. I do offer packages such as Monthly thumbnails at $22 or a lifetime package of $50 which is unlimited artwork for the user. But thats overkill xD So realistically IIts a disadvantage for me because im from the Uk so translating the money means less value, but bang for the buck xD. These rates apply to Thumbnails/Twitter/Facebook/Google+. For Banner its +$1 than Thumnbnails.

Skype is woozypictures