Community Channel Networking

Redman Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 16, 2016
Hey everyone,

I am looking to start a Youtube Channel Networking group. Basically what this group would be for is to help each other grow and offer ideas and even collaborate on videos. Below is a general overview of what this group would do.

1) Feature every member of the group on your Youtube Page
By doing this your subscribers and other who see your videos may go and watch and maybe even subscribe to the featured members

2) Do Shout Outs for each members of the group.

The purpose of the shout outs are pretty self explained as they are a verbal reminder for people watching your videos to check out the channel of the person being shouted out. A link to that persons Channel should be left in the description of your video

3) Collaborate on videos / Podcasts

Collaborations are in the simplest form a way to add a new dynamic and feel to your videos. This also servers a way for members of this group to self advertise on your videos.

If anyone would be interested in getting involved in this please comment to this post.

** There is no age requirements or Subscriber requirements for this group **


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 4, 2016
I'd love to enter a network with you. I'm glad to see you have original content and not the monotonous stuff people see all the time nowadays. :D