YouTube COPPA and You


Active Member
Freedom! Member
May 18, 2017
Over the past week I’ve been hearing a lot of discussion about the latest round of new regulations coming to YouTube, you’ve probably heard about it yourself as well and/or received a newsletter email from YouTube regarding it, which I think every content creator should take the time to read it.

It’s about COPPA, or Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, and its legal ramifications for content creators on YouTube. From what I’ve seen and heard so far, it seems pretty serious and has a somewhat scary tone to it.

It seems odd that there doesn’t appear to be any announcements or news about this here on Freedom, not on Discord, this forums or Freedom’s YouTube channel. I personally feel this is an important subject that needs to be addressed, either by George Vanous or Nold Dizon.

I decided to start this thread to post what I’ve seen and heard so far regarding COPPA and issues surrounding it, and hope to get a conversation going and raise awareness of it. I’ve watched quite a number of videos on this, however the ones below seem to explain and analyse things better than a number of others in my opinion.

[DOUBLEPOST=1574488673][/DOUBLEPOST]Just to simplify things a bit, and to cite a real life example of how the COPPA regulations and YouTube’s handling of the situation could adversely affect almost every content creator on the platform (which probably includes all of us here at Freedom) on January 1, 2020, I’d encourage you to check out this video by Upper Eschelon Gamers.

Also, if you don’t think this could affect you, I would think again if I were you. I’m very surprised that Freedom still hasn’t said a word about this whole issue considering that about two weeks has passed since the announcement in the latest YouTube newsletter sent to all of us.

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