Do you feel obligated....


Kovu Productions
Freedom! Member
Oct 5, 2015
Hey Freedom! Serious question for you guys,
When you subscribe to a channel, do you feel obligated to watch every single one of their videos?
Vice versa
To creators, when you upload a video, do you demand for your subscribers to watch every video??
Leave your comments below. This is opinionated and there is no right or wrong answer. I created this just to see different perspectives.
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Freedom! Member
Mar 2, 2014
No to both. Don't see why anyone would. Though maybe there will be someone with a different point of view to give me an idea of why.


Chief Creative Director of Optimize Group Ltd
Freedom! Member
Apr 20, 2014
The people I'm subbed to honestly would hate me most of the time because I'll only watch what interests me. I don't care if your my friend, girlfriend, client, family, or just some random entertainer... if it doesn't look like something which interests me I'm not watching it and its not because I don't care.. I just don't have time to watch stuff that doesn't appeal to me. If I see 2-3 things from you I like I generally will sub because I expect a continuation at some point of things I'd be interested in..

As far as people watching all my stuff.. You'd have to be half psychotic to sit through all my stuff I've ever made over all my channels.
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The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
No for both. I sub because someone has certain content i am interested in but that doesn't mean that i like every video. Same for when people sub to me. Sure it is a good feeling they watch my content but because i post a variety of content i am sure they won't watch every vid, just the ones that pick interest.
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Liam and Taylor's Corner

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Nov 6, 2015
No to both as well. I can't imagine anyone sitting in their computer all day watching all the videos to those who they are subscribed to. I do appreciate when they watch and comment, so I try my best to return the favor.
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Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
I dont watch everything on pplz channels for there are video games and genres I cant stand and when they play them I wont watch them (things like horror, GTA or fallout will get me bored so I dont watch them).
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Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
When you subscribe to a channel, do you feel obligated to watch every single one of their videos?

No. Only if the channel is still pretty new would I think to do that. Otherwise I could be watching hundreds or thousands of videos and I wouldn't have time to do that and keep up with the new content at the same time while also watching all the channels I'm already watching.

To creators, when you upload a video, do you demand for your subscribers to watch every video??

Also no. You do that then you kind of sound like someone who only cares about yourself and your numbers. I always try to ease them in. If they want to try watching everything that is their call and I'll encourage them if they want to do it but I won't straight up tell them to do that otherwise I'm definitely going to scare a lot of people off and I'd rather make friends not enemies.
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Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Nov 25, 2015
No I wouldn't demand that everyone watches it lol if they see the title and it interest them that's good enough for me.

But also when I watch videos if I see the title/game and it doesn't interest me I won't watch it
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Minecraft Junkie
Freedom! Member
Nov 12, 2015
Looks like I'm in the same group with everyone else, lol. Even if it's one of my favorite YouTubers, I don't watch everything they have unless the game really interests me. I mean most of the time I'm there for the person and their personality, but if the game just isn't that interesting even the person and their commentary can't be enough of a reason to watch it. Like, I love watching Jacksepticeye, but after the first episode of that game Fran Bow (not spelled right I don't think, but I can't remember how it's spelled right now) I just didn't like it enough to come back for more of it. But I did watch through his entire playlist of Happy Wheels and Turbo Dismount videos because I love both of those games. The actual content has to interest me.

As for wanting subs to watch all of my stuff, I'd only ever want people to watch what they enjoy. It'd be great if they loved everything my husband and I put up on the channel, but people have different tastes.
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Active Member
Dec 10, 2015
Honestly I watch the videos that interest me. Sometimes I end up watching everything in the end :p. I ended up doing this with markiplier and all 206 horror games he's played in that play list xD. As a creator I don't expect everyone to do that for me, but at the moment I don't have the largest playlist of videos either. I have a friend who subbed to me and did that and it's greatly appreciated, but I am not too stressed over views and likes. I just want to entertain.
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Rising User
Dec 9, 2015
I dont feel obligated to watch every video, I also don't expect others to watch all of mine either. But I do watch a lot of the videos I subscribe to, but not cause I feel obligated. Im just intrested. but not Every video.
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Filipino Let's Player <Astig>
Freedom! Member
Jan 3, 2014
No and No. I stop caring if my subscriber watches my videos and even leave a feedback long time ago. I just do this youtube thing now as a stress relief. And I only watch some of the videos that I subscribe once in awhile. Not that I do not enjoy their content. But I got no time watching their stuff all the time, I got my own stuff to worry about.
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Varlais Alata

No, if the title seems interesting to me, I'll watch the video. If I watched every video all my subscriptions posted everyday, I'd never get any sleep xD


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 1, 2016
Definitely no to both. Some people I sub to I watch everything they put out. Others I only watch certain things they put out and anything that catches my eye. They might do two types of videos and I'm really only into one, I still sub, but I just watch the videos I like.

The same would go for my videos. Watch what you like and ignore what you don't.
i love watching peoples channels. I will always watch the different series the person uploads starting with the first episode they did for it. i tend to judge the series off that episode. and i only sub the person if i keep going back to watch them.

as far as the creator side, i would love for them to watch all of my videos. i only ask they give me constructive criticism for improvements to either my content or channel.


Mythic User
Bit of an old thread but still interesting discussion

I don't think I've had time to watch any of my subscription feed channels for around 2 weeks now. If I really like a channel I will probably go back and binge watch all the content that I have missed, or at least all the videos that look interesting.

For the other way around, if someone is subbed and only watches one video I'm fine with that also. These aren't "my subscribers" they are people that have their own lives and are probably subscribed to lots of channels. I think this is where a lot of content creators get annoyed, thinking that when someone subscribes it means they are a dedicated fan.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
I have NEVER forced anyone to subscribe or watch every video of mine. I have suggested they should subscribe if they enjoy the video and want to see more so they have the option to subscribe... but only if they want to. I also have never once said for anyone to watch ANY of my videos. If they do, then they do. That's up to the viewers to choose if they want to watch. Telling someone they HAVE to subscribe or they HAVE to watch a certain video is just wrong in my opinion. If anyone does that, then (in my opinion) they are only interested in the subscribers/views not interested in things like having fun, entertaining those who DO watch, etc.

I also have NEVER felt forced to watch all of 1 channel's/YouTuber's videos. Heck, most of the time I only play videos to drown out the silence in my place (because it definitely gets eerily silent here sometimes). The ones I DO happen to actually watch are ones I just happen to like or ones I'm interested in watching or I'm just curious of.

ALSO... I don't even click a LIKE button on any video. Last time I did that i think was like 3 years ago (back before I started my own game channel and I was only doing vlogs). Mainly because the videos back then were actually good. Now most videos are either iffy or make me think "what the heck am I watching?" or they are just boring in general. So it's kinda hard for me to find a video I enjoy so much to make me want to click any LIKE button.