Favorite 2D/3D Zelda?


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Freedom! Member
Dec 27, 2016
What is your favorite 2D or 3D The Legend of Zelda game? Actually give a reason, such as whether you like a particular game for it's atmosphere, story, gameplay, etc.

My favorite 2D Zelda will always be A Link to the Past. I grew up playing the GBA version as a teen while I did errands on the other side of town with my mom and the game has influenced me so much that it is my primary inspiration in game development. Come to think of it, this is the most innovative Zelda somewhat, except for Breath of the Wild of course. It didn't introduction dungeons entirely but really did polish them (and is where stuff like the compass and map came in) and gave us the concept of what we come to expect and love with dungeons, especially in the later 3D Zelda games.

My favorite 3D Zelda is Majora's Mask. I always felt this game's atmosphere was superb, even with it's overly major downer and despair filled tone. The Gibdos and the little girl and her father (but also the song of healing moments, especially when you first learn it from the Happy Mask Salesman) are one of the reasons why I love this game but also the fact even if your achievements and efforts to help the people of Termina never stay pernmeant, the memories and trials/feelings of the people you learn of stay in the back of your head and encourage you to keep going forward, as afterall, how will you save Termina if you let the moon fall and kill everyone?

Secondly, I love how alive the NPCs feel and it's made MM seem a lot better than even modern contemporary RPGs or action-adventure games like Fallout 3 or The Witcher. They actually have schedules, move about and it really makes them feel alive when you come to search for a NPC in town at a specific time and find they're not there.

The dungeons are another reason why I love MM, they can easily be compared to OoT's Water Temple and are these wonderfully complex giant interconnected 3D spatial puzzleboxes and really test your puzzle solving and ability to keep a mental map of things you learn in a dungeon, such as a chest to come back for later or a section you can't access.

Breath of the Wild has come pretty close for my new favorite 3D Zelda. It totally throws a lot of the series traditions out the window, which I kind of just adore. From the relaxing atmosphere, the grand scale of the massive map of Hyrule to it's graphical style and beauty, there's just a lot to love about the game.

One of my favorite things about Breath of the Wild was this:
You can do anything you want, you can go anywhere you want, the only thing stopping you is harsh weather and tough enemies that could easily one-shot you. Almost everything in the game is optional save for the tutotorial and the paraglider (which I accept, just wish the paraglider wasn't locked in as required, despite it mechanically being needed for exploration), from getting new armor and weapons, making food to buff/heal yourself or even tackling the divine beasts.

You wanna climb up an enemy infested hill to a sheikah tower with nothing but awful 12-ATK weapons, a wooden shield and no arrows? You totally can and nothing is actually stopping you. This makes your accomplishments all the more wonderful when you go against the odds stacked fiercely against you and manage to come out on top.
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Freedom! Member
Mar 3, 2015
Absolutely love the description of why you love those games especially the part about doing errands and playing the game. It got me thinking. Why do I love the Zelda games that I have.

For myself:
My favourite 3D Zelda is Ocarina of Time. It was a Christmas present from my grandma when I was young. It was my first experience playing a Zelda game and that memory has really stuck with me. I have had so much fun play and replaying that game. It was one of the first times in which I had to start solving puzzles while playing games and I think that is what has made it my favourite. I enjoy the story and I enjoy the graphics for the time. But the introduction to more complex gaming and solutions is what kept me loving it. And also, the music in that game has been some of my favourite. I always have one of the tunes stuck in my head and have even taught myself song on my own ocarina.

As for 2D, I have never really played a lot of them, or at least all the way through. My favourite and most played 2D is A Link to the Past on gba. It was one of those games that has been with me on holidays and I just always have fun memories of playing it. As I play more of the 2D games as I add them to my collection my opinion may change, but the fact that I have completed that one and not really many of the others does stick with me. That version of the game is a lot of run with the change between the light and dark worlds and how changes in the worlds impact all of the game.

Would love to have a discussion like this about other series too - if you start another thread about favs in a series please give me a heads up because I would love to join those discussions.

Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
My favorite 3D Zelda is Twilight Princess.

2D zelda is harder to answer. I love a lot of the games. Minish Cap, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Links Awakening, Four Swords Adventures. I love all those games. It really would depend on the day what I would probably answer.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Dec 27, 2016
Absolutely love the description of why you love those games especially the part about doing errands and playing the game. It got me thinking. Why do I love the Zelda games that I have.

For myself:
My favourite 3D Zelda is Ocarina of Time. It was a Christmas present from my grandma when I was young. It was my first experience playing a Zelda game and that memory has really stuck with me. I have had so much fun play and replaying that game. It was one of the first times in which I had to start solving puzzles while playing games and I think that is what has made it my favourite. I enjoy the story and I enjoy the graphics for the time. But the introduction to more complex gaming and solutions is what kept me loving it. And also, the music in that game has been some of my favourite. I always have one of the tunes stuck in my head and have even taught myself song on my own ocarina.

As for 2D, I have never really played a lot of them, or at least all the way through. My favourite and most played 2D is A Link to the Past on gba. It was one of those games that has been with me on holidays and I just always have fun memories of playing it. As I play more of the 2D games as I add them to my collection my opinion may change, but the fact that I have completed that one and not really many of the others does stick with me. That version of the game is a lot of run with the change between the light and dark worlds and how changes in the worlds impact all of the game.

Would love to have a discussion like this about other series too - if you start another thread about favs in a series please give me a heads up because I would love to join those discussions.
I can really appreciate Ocarina of Time now, actually, especially now that I almost played it to end (right up to the very beginning of Ganon's Castle) on the 3DS remake. OoT is overly linear compared to it's MM sequel but it has one strength: somewhat unique dungeons due to the associated visual theming and music but also one major point. OoT emulates the feeling of growing up and growing up is hard. When you're Young Link in the beginning, nobody takes you seriously. Then when you grow up and become Adult Link, things are suddenly different and you feel so much weight of responsibility on your hands even if that's just more of the 'oh you have to save the world and you're the only one who can do it'.

My favorite 3D Zelda is Twilight Princess.

2D zelda is harder to answer. I love a lot of the games. Minish Cap, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Links Awakening, Four Swords Adventures. I love all those games. It really would depend on the day what I would probably answer.
I will always like Twilight Princess, actually. Purely because despite it being overly linear near most of any game save for Skyward Sword, the game creates this epic feeling most games didn't have in the series and the dungeons are truly unique, theming and aesthetics wise. Snowhead Ruins has got to be one of the most unique and memorable dungeons ever.

I've played through Minish Cap and finished and probably stands out as a more liked 2D game in the series for me. Capcom just has this special charm to their work when their hired to make a 2D Zelda.
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