Entertainment Gaming and Music Channel New to Freedom/Youtube!

Defalt Player

New User
Dec 24, 2015
Your name: Antonio Tiago Neto (aka Defalt Player)
Where are you from?: Brazil
How old are you?: I'm sixteen (16) c:
How did you find Freedom!?: Searching for good networks on YouTube videos
What made you join our forums?: The willing to help and get helped on the YouTube community, and to interact with other partners!
What are your hobbies?: Playing games and making my videos fun!
What is your favorite food?: Pizza, chocolate and meat I guess :D
Why did you start YouTube?: I started YouTube a long time ago back in 2013, with a channel called Elrond Inglorion. I had 14 back then, and didn't know anything about YouTube. When I started to get into sniper clans on the CoD community, I created lots of channel (including my last one which was Defalt E). Now I created this concrete channel, that I want it to move on and on, and I started YouTube because I love making videos and entertaining people!
What is your biggest dream?: To continue doing videos for YouTube as I grow up and have a family that plays games/songs with me, and do videos to share our happiness!
What kind of channel do you run?: An Entertainment Channel with Music and Games, and maybe Vlogs in the future!
What kind of content do you upload?: Mostly Covers and Funny Gameplays in Portuguese
When do you upload?: Every Monday I try to post a new video
Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGK_AQjKK8QhuebCDWZHGUQ