Community I don't want to do this alone anymore, Who's with me?

Anthony Smith

Believe it or not, I believe in you!
Verified Freedom! Partner
Freedom! Member

Creating content can sometimes be a lonely affair. Working till the wee hours of the morning on a project with little feedback from people who have been there stressing about something that some viewers may not notice or appreciate. I'm sick and tired of not having peers to bounce ideas off of or gain advice from. I just wish that there was some sort of group of semi-experienced content creators who could help give advice, give time, and spread the love.

The people in my personal life have no idea what I'm going on about when I talk about things like click through rates, watch time optimization, audience conversion and the like. Don't get me wrong, my girlfriend and family are supportive but they aren't equipped to give advice and aren't interested in these topics so often don't bore them with that type of stuff which is a special type of lonely that I have trouble with sometimes.

I'm really missing a time when I had a support network that not only understood my struggles but also had relevant experience and anecdotes to help guide me through things like this. I've always been funny about certain details while totally ignoring others. It would be amazing to have a group of folks I could trust to help guide things from a place of love and understanding.

I sometimes feel a little weird when people IRL find out what I do on the side. I never know what to do when someone IRL recognizes me, or I meet up with them. Don't misunderstand... I'm appreciative but I still have no idea how to handle it. This is one example of many where having others who have found proper skills to handle this situation would be helpful. People have a need to fit in, and a group of loving, caring, co-mentors would be a huge help sometimes.

Some of you may see what I'm getting at here, There used to exist a program like this, something I helped build. I'm not committing to anything... but I do miss it, I miss giving all of the above to others. I miss helping to shape the future of content creation on the internet. I miss that sense of community that comes from knowing that there's someone out there who has your back, has experience, interest, and your best interests in mind.

I should stress that I'm not announcing anything here but I am wondering that if I were to put together some sort of group to help mentor others, answer questions, and kick some major butt...

Who would be interested?
Who would theoretically join me in spreading positivity?
Who could dedicate a bit of time to doing meaningful networking?
Who wants to build something bigger than themselves?

let me know.

Proud to be fruit

Community Team
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Jun 1, 2016
I very much relate to every word in this post. I've often found myself needing tips and not knowing where to turn. Sure I've had communities to turn to, but to be honest, many times it's been a game of the blind leading the blind. I'm reminded of when I wanted to find out why my channel wasn't growing, and thus I turned to my target audience in a forum. I got feedback like "You are standing in front of the camera rather than sitting down" and I just couldn't accept that as a reason for why I wasn't growing. People were grasping at straws... unable to put their finger on whatever the real problem was... while speaking as if they knew the problem. I guess this was partly my fault. My request made them look at the videos in a certain light. Thus their experience is not necessarily comparable to the experience of a regular viewer. I learned that asking people to find fault will result in them finding fault, even if it's not actually a problem.

Also, many times useful feedback demand that the person giving the feedback is familiar with what you are trying to accomplish with your channel. How else could they help you accomplish it? Thus I sometimes wish that I had a community of people who were all very familiar with everybody's channels.

Another challenge has been my high standards. More often than not I need in-depth tips like: "Your color palette on your banner use too much of each complementary color. Try using one of those colors only to draw focus to the important parts" as opposed to "I don't like the colors". I need people who are able to put their finger on the problem.

So yeah it sounds like a fun initiative. I guess for me it depends on how it's executed.
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Carl D

Respected User
Freedom! Member
May 29, 2020
when it comes to ideas or creativity I usually make a list. and also try to talk to others in community forums like this and facebook groups to.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
May 18, 2017
Not trying to necro this thread, but upon logging into the new forums I noticed the thread and decided to give it a bump.

Yeah I think we all feel like lone rangers at times as content creators. It would be nice to have a dedicated group where we can help each other, perhaps someone can start a Discord group for this?


Freedom! Member
Not trying to necro this thread, but upon logging into the new forums I noticed the thread and decided to give it a bump.

Yeah I think we all feel like lone rangers at times as content creators. It would be nice to have a dedicated group where we can help each other, perhaps someone can start a Discord group for this?
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