Service Request In need of a new intro


Rising User
Dec 16, 2016
Hello dear members of the Freedom! Community,

As the title stated, I'm in need of a new intro. I'm currently using a intro which I'm using in my videos now for the past 2 years, and every 2 years I would like to change from intro because the or my audience is always expecting something new or unique from me. So is there anyone who can help me to furfull this request? If so, I will give you a shoutout in the gaming video with your intro in it, plus that I will upload the intro as ''NEW INTRO! by [YourChannel] and also your channel link in the description, that's all I can offer since I'm not really willing to put money on this.

I hope I'll get a fast reply on this one because it's kinda a request in a hurry, so who can help me out? :)

Cheers anyways,
- Suzuka