Gaming New Let's Play Channel for Older Games.


New User
May 31, 2017
Hello Everyone,
I recently started a YouTube Channel for Let's Plays of Old Games. I thought since I play games anyway why don't I record them as I play.Also with a large backlog of games from the late 90s on-wards there are plenty of games to play.
I have been playing games for almost 25 years now. I started on the Sega Mega Drive (Genesis) back in 92. Later during the mid 90s to the late 2000s studies and jobs meant that I did not have much time to play games although I did occasionally when I had a bit of time. In the last few years I have been slowing increasing my time playing games as I have stopped watching other media such as TV,movies,music etc. I don't know why but I have lost interest in these things. So the only form of entertainment for me is gaming.
Having started recently on YouTube I became aware of MCN and while searching I came across Freedom a few times and most people online recommended it for small channels. The other thing that appealed to me was the fact that I could sync my YouTube videos with Dailymotion. This is important as it would save a lot of time and data bandwidth.
So far I have completed the entire Half-Life series (all the single player games) and a few others such as the 2 portal games, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (2002), Papers Please etc. I upload daily at least once but more likely upto 3 times. I am planning on adding a bit more variety so I will be including Indie games as well as Car games to my channel to offer more viewing options. I also occasionally make videos about sales and deals online and some news videos related to upcoming games.
My channel is called Let's Play Old Games with Gordon Freeman as the profile picture.Check it out sometime and let me know what you think.

Thanks and have a nice day.
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 31, 2017
Dandridge, TN
Your channel has some pretty good stuff on there. Thumbnails are a little in your face, but other than that it has a nice feel to them. Keep up the good work!