YouTube Scripting


Rising User
Oct 22, 2017
When doing a news or discussion style show, how much do you script out beforehand? I'm not accustomed to scripting things out beyond basic talking points. However, I do understand the benefit of having a script for shows like this, and I just want to know how much scripting you guys would suggest.


Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
So I won't give you a full reply here, just some food for thought.

From presentations I've seen and done in the past, I'd be pretty much only for writing down the headlines and then going off of that if the topic is something you're informed about and are interested in. A full script won't look good like ever. It's mostly possible to tell someone's using a full script within the first few seconds. It won't look natural, especially not if the thing is visible to the camera. If it isn't, you'll need practice with it and it could probably work out.

For using basic talking points you'll need to think about how informed you are about the topic. If you're well informed and could ramble on about something for ages if you wanted to, use topics (like "Why is electricity important", "What is electricity used for", "Where to get electricity from", "Can a koala understand electricity"), then talk freely about that topic and move on to the next one. You're writing down the skeleton and your brain fills in the flesh.

Also useful (which is what I've used for presentations in the past which works good for me) is to take your skeleton you've just made and describe the bones a bit. That'll mostly work out for getting things right (Numbers, corner data, etc). Now the goal here is to not write too much, otherwise you'll be back at a full script. If you're a person that likes to ramble on for ages, set yourself limits ("I'll just list the points for which electricity can be used and explain each one in one to two sentences").

Or another way I can give you that can really work out is:
Write a full script with every detail possible you want to go into, read through it and throw it in the bin. You've written the thing, it's probably moved to your head already. Now talk freely.

For discussions, personally I'd go for the moderator to have clear points what you want to talk about and everyone else having prepared but not gotten a script. The discussion will get into a flow and you'll be happy you didn't script it.
Scripting is good until you started to sound like a robot. You can either write your entire script or just the important points and talk about it, it's uptown you. If you do write the entire script my advise to practice it before recording. Maybe go front of the mirror and read with expression. Your voice is everything if your viewers can't see you. They need to feel your energy and your message through your voice. Also take your time and slow down. Having a full script is easy and saves you lots of time from editing.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
If you plan to script, I can only give you this advice. Don't do it if you suck at reading. We can tell if you're a terrible reader, and it really shows. Also, get some practice if you're the type that says "uhh umm err" etc every few seconds. If you ever see or hear someone speaking that doesn't do that, you'll notice it. Even subconsciously. It matters.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Dec 22, 2016
When doing a news or discussion style show, how much do you script out beforehand? I'm not accustomed to scripting things out beyond basic talking points. However, I do understand the benefit of having a script for shows like this, and I just want to know how much scripting you guys would suggest.
Personally, I do script some of my videos (as in a word for word script). However, I don’t follow the script in a rigid way. I will change words here and there as I talk but the meaning of what I say is the same as the script. That way, I can be more natural and not sound awkwardly wooden. That’s in my opinion, a pretty good way of scripting


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
I script the whole video because I know that I will otherwise forget stuff or go on a rant, that said I sometimes during recording add some parts in improvisation. the script is there for stability and order so that I keep on topic but that doesnt mean you cant go off script once in a while, just need to make sure it fits in with the video