YouTube So what is "Advertiser Friendly"?



Hello, all!
Hurray, we have something in black and white from Youtube regarding Advertising friendly content!

If Youtube is your hobby or you want to become a full-time YouTuber you'll need to know and understand how advertisers work and understand how they feel about their product or brand being shown before your content, so Youtube has now produced some guidelines for you!

Now remember just because you're content will fit the Youtube's Policy, it may not be appropriate for Google advertising. Google's program policies, also advertisers have their own standards and requirements for content which could also be different!

So what Youtube doesn't want to do! but is not limited to:
  • Sexually suggestive content, including partial nudity and sexual humor
  • Violence, including display of serious injury and events related to violent extremism
  • Inappropriate language, including harassment, profanity and vulgar language
  • Promotion of drugs and regulated substances, including selling, use and abuse of such items
  • Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters, and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown
If any of the above describes any portion of your video, then the video may not be approved for monetization. If monetization is approved, your video may not be eligible for all available ad formats. YouTube reserves the right to not monetize a video, as well as suspend monetization features on channels that repeatedly submit videos violating our policies.

So, what Youtube wants you to do!

Use these best practices to successfully monetize your content on

  • Do follow YouTube’s policy guidelines.
  • Do use a title and thumbnail for your video that represents the content.
  • Do use a title and thumbnail for your video that represents the content.​
  • Do create content that appeals to brand advertisers looking to engage with your content. This can increase the chances of finding an advertiser sponsor for your channel.​
  • Don't use explicit language or imagery in your title or thumbnail.​
  • Don't embed promotions for your own sponsors in your video since this can create advertiser conflict. Learn more about paid product placement policy.​

I hope this helps! Let us know if it did!

Epic Killer Dog

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Nov 15, 2015
"Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters, and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown " that makes me so mad. This is taking censorship too far.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2017
the whole profanity thing is ******** lol , look at wolfy's video he must sweaat leastst 10000 times a video and his channels still live and healthy
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New User
Apr 5, 2017
hello iam new to freedom
who want to see my videos
iam from india
i want a become to full time youtuber


New User
Apr 10, 2017
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