Too Many Gamers


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Apr 27, 2016
In recent years there has been an uprise in gaming channels and everywhere you look on youtube it's all gaming videos. Originality kind of died out. Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with a good game and I'm not necessarily saying these videos are bad but there's just too many of them that nothing new is being brought to the table. It seems people just do it cause it's the easiest way to make videos. Just talk crap while playing a video game and let that sweet adsense money flow in. It's hard to discover anyone new who isn't a gaming video creator. What's your opinion on this?

jeremy skinner

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Apr 30, 2016
You're right. People want constant content so channels who do more complicated stuff like music or skits lose out because they can only post say once a week TOPS. Gaming channels can post every day if they want to. Personally, I agree with you fully, even though I'm hypocritical. I love gaming and Im really passionate about making videos so it is natural to me to make those videos... though I do want to start making more videos about music.... It's just exponentially harder to make GOOD music AND a unique music video AND Film it And edit the 30 takes you took. Gaming is typically 1-3 takes for Post commentated and live coms and lets plays and funny moments usually are 1 take. Viewers don't understand that. Most people think it only takes an hour to make a video skit or music video from scratch... Look at animation channels who post in seasons like the BattleField Friends Series. i bet each 3 minute video took a month to make.. people think it just happens, when really it is A TON of meticulous work. Gaming is simply the easier road (Not easy but easier) to please viewers.

- With Love
P.S. Hope you are having an awesome day! :D I love discussions
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Respected User
Freedom! Member
Apr 17, 2016
I agree. There are a lot of them. But it's nothing anyone can really control. A lot of people have discovered that there is money to be made there, so everyone is going to try making money, by playing video games.


Well-Known User
Mar 1, 2016
In recent years there has been an uprise in gaming channels and everywhere you look on youtube it's all gaming videos. Originality kind of died out. Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with a good game and I'm not necessarily saying these videos are bad but there's just too many of them that nothing new is being brought to the table. It seems people just do it cause it's the easiest way to make videos. Just talk crap while playing a video game and let that sweet adsense money flow in. It's hard to discover anyone new who isn't a gaming video creator. What's your opinion on this?
It's actually pretty good for the people that don't do gaming because when people see the content that isn't gaming, they're going to click on it because it's different from what they normally see, and a lot of people aren't really getting "that sweet adsense money" because they just want to record games they play to enjoy them even more so i don't really see a problem for the non gamers here. Another thing is that by us gaming channels producing a lot of gaming videos, it just basically makes you non gamers stand out even more to viewers.
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Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion
I honestly feel like that could be relatable to any channel on YouTube anymore. In our day and age, there's almost nothing that hasn't already been done at least once. Unique musicians are a dime a dozen, there are plenty of Vlog channels out there, make up channels galore, etc. That's a question all of us can ask. What so we bring to the table that's truly unique? I myself am a gaming channel, yes, but I don't do it to follow the crowd. I do it because it's what I enjoy.
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jeremy skinner

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Apr 30, 2016
I honestly feel like that could be relatable to any channel on YouTube anymore. In our day and age, there's almost nothing that hasn't already been done at least once. Unique musicians are a dime a dozen, there are plenty of Vlog channels out there, make up channels galore, etc. That's a question all of us can ask. What so we bring to the table that's truly unique? I myself am a gaming channel, yes, but I don't do it to follow the crowd. I do it because it's what I enjoy.
I like how you put it. I like to think Im putting a twist by playing some lesser known games along with my favorites as well as sprinkling some music here and there to add even more variety.

Gods of Odds

That's exactly why i'm going to be doing a lore series.

Fourth Wall Games

A Sarcastic Brit
Aug 17, 2014
London, UK
I completely disagree that there being loads of gaming channels makes it hard for others who don't do gaming to get discovered.

Gamers go into the gaming category. If I was looking for a vlogger I wouldn't be looking there, I would be looking in the entertainemnt or people & blogs. If I wanted sport I would look in sport and so forth.

Gaming really is not overshadowing the other art forms.

Gaming is so popular because it is accessible, it's the largest entertainment business in the world and is still growing. It is only just becoming socially acceptable and so more and more people who hid their love for it are coming out.

While some do it for the views and money, those are the people who remain small, those who grow show love and excitement in their videos and the money is just a bonus.
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