Gaming What I do!

Pr0 Julian

New User
May 24, 2016
DEAR FREEDOM PEOPLE: Please give me the "Learn More" thing because currently I do not have it, but if needed I will be patient :)

Hey, My name's Julian and I am a VERY young youtuber, my passion has always been doing youtube videos since I was 4 in 2010, on my old youtube channel jujigamer. Now I create, edit and upload videos every day! I am managed by my dad, who helped me along the way, and he basically tells me if I can post the video I created. I am a VERY small youtuber and if you want check out my channel, EVEN though prepare for cringe (or not I am getting a lot older and more mature) so yeah!

WHAT I DO: Welp, I sit on my chair in my room (all day) on my laptop and upload 2 or more (usually more) videos EVERY SINGLE DAY! It get's tiring and a lot of times my videos tend to only get 1 view or 2 views and I get unmotivated but then some videos come and surprise me like my most popular video with 4,000+ views! Even though I am a channel with 130+ subs I still only get 1-18 views on most of my (let's play videos) videos.

HOW DO I DO THAT!?!?!: Well, usually on weekends its not a problem, because I have the whole weekend. Now for WEEKDAYS, this is a problem for me as a youtuber because, number one I have school for 7 hours every day and get back home at 4:00 so 8 hours for me to do school and get back home and then I only have 5 more hours to record, edit and upload 2 or more videos! And uploading is a BIG problem! I only have around 2 mbits/s which is 0.25 megabytes/s which is CRAP! Next week though I will be hopefully getting 10 mbits/s which is a lot better!

WHAT DO I USE FOR RECORDING AND EDITING: 2012-early 2013, I used Quicktime Player which took HOURS to render and I edited them with iMovie which when rendering the edited version it also took HOURS to render THEN I used handbrake to make the files smaller (compress/encode) because they got big to like 1.2 GBs and I didn't want to upload that and then handbrake would take forever and then my internet where I lived before was way better so it uploaded okay.
2013-2015, I still used a mac in this time period but I used Screenflow, possibly the best mac recording/editing studio software EVER! It was amazing. It compressed them for you and it was really easy to upload.
2016, I use Movavi Screen Capture Studio now on Windows, I know (it may be a downgrade) but it works perfectly and almost like Screenflow! (no complaints)


We have a youtube team called the Pr0Team which has been around since 2013, and it has 12+ members, I am the biggest youtuber besides my friend which has 2 more subs than me (since yesterday because I lost a lot yesterday for some reason.) and we are a VERY small community.

This was my first impressions into the community of Freedom! hopefully you like ME and my BIO and stay Pr0!
PLUS it would be awesome if you could check me out on youtube my name on there is Pr0Julian! :)



Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2016
Ashland, PA
DEAR FREEDOM PEOPLE: Please give me the "Learn More" thing because currently I do not have it, but if needed I will be patient :)

Hey, My name's Julian and I am a VERY young youtuber, my passion has always been doing youtube videos since I was 4 in 2010, on my old youtube channel jujigamer. Now I create, edit and upload videos every day! I am managed by my dad, who helped me along the way, and he basically tells me if I can post the video I created. I am a VERY small youtuber and if you want check out my channel, EVEN though prepare for cringe (or not I am getting a lot older and more mature) so yeah!

WHAT I DO: Welp, I sit on my chair in my room (all day) on my laptop and upload 2 or more (usually more) videos EVERY SINGLE DAY! It get's tiring and a lot of times my videos tend to only get 1 view or 2 views and I get unmotivated but then some videos come and surprise me like my most popular video with 4,000+ views! Even though I am a channel with 130+ subs I still only get 1-18 views on most of my (let's play videos) videos.

HOW DO I DO THAT!?!?!: Well, usually on weekends its not a problem, because I have the whole weekend. Now for WEEKDAYS, this is a problem for me as a youtuber because, number one I have school for 7 hours every day and get back home at 4:00 so 8 hours for me to do school and get back home and then I only have 5 more hours to record, edit and upload 2 or more videos! And uploading is a BIG problem! I only have around 2 mbits/s which is 0.25 megabytes/s which is CRAP! Next week though I will be hopefully getting 10 mbits/s which is a lot better!

WHAT DO I USE FOR RECORDING AND EDITING: 2012-early 2013, I used Quicktime Player which took HOURS to render and I edited them with iMovie which when rendering the edited version it also took HOURS to render THEN I used handbrake to make the files smaller (compress/encode) because they got big to like 1.2 GBs and I didn't want to upload that and then handbrake would take forever and then my internet where I lived before was way better so it uploaded okay.
2013-2015, I still used a mac in this time period but I used Screenflow, possibly the best mac recording/editing studio software EVER! It was amazing. It compressed them for you and it was really easy to upload.
2016, I use Movavi Screen Capture Studio now on Windows, I know (it may be a downgrade) but it works perfectly and almost like Screenflow! (no complaints)


We have a youtube team called the Pr0Team which has been around since 2013, and it has 12+ members, I am the biggest youtuber besides my friend which has 2 more subs than me (since yesterday because I lost a lot yesterday for some reason.) and we are a VERY small community.

This was my first impressions into the community of Freedom! hopefully you like ME and my BIO and stay Pr0!
PLUS it would be awesome if you could check me out on youtube my name on there is Pr0Julian! :)


Welcome to the Family Pr0 Hulian, What games do you play, What are you goals for the youtube in the future, How you found out about Freedom! Thats sucks you have 2 MGBytes