Why is everyone doing this?


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 8, 2016
Sunny Scotland
I always find it interesting to know why people spend all their spare time making videos that only a few hundred people might see. Like are you doing it for money, fame or just enjoyment?

Personally my end game would be to make a comfortable living from making videos. If I go bigger than that then bonus. I love making videos and wating for all the nice comments to feed my ego, I get such a kick out of uploading something and getting feedback. If I could make that a full time job I'd be living the dream.

Let me know you reasons down below.

Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
Definitly not for the money... Ive given up on that... I been doing this for so long and it never seems to go anywhere...

I actually almost quit when my sister died last year... but my sister didnt like getting her picture taken or video that much so there arnt alot of that stuff of her.

So after that I pulled myself together; and decided to keep making videos. So that if I die suddenly for no reason at all... at least there will be lots of videos to remember me by...

Kinda grim... but it is what it is...
My other reason is I just love some of the videos ive made in the past.
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Renowned User
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Apr 13, 2014
Where the sun doesn't shine
I just do it because it's fun, that's what YouTube is suppose to be, a place where you can share your stories and experiences to everyone while having fun doing so. Making money is not important unless you manage to earn a stable income from YouTube and decided to go full time. But until then, YouTube is merely a hobby.


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jun 16, 2016
I always find it interesting to know why people spend all their spare time making videos that only a few hundred people might see. Like are you doing it for money, fame or just enjoyment?

Personally my end game would be to make a comfortable living from making videos. If I go bigger than that then bonus. I love making videos and wating for all the nice comments to feed my ego, I get such a kick out of uploading something and getting feedback. If I could make that a full time job I'd be living the dream.

Let me know you reasons down below.

if it was only for those reasons.. than there warent't that much channels here on youtube. but my reason is I love to do it. I only want to earn enough money to live on it so I can do it full time forever what I like to do. and it's my dream to be a full time youtuber.

Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
I know the road to doing this as a living would be a long one so honestly while that is an end game goal I've never actually focused on it because I know if I did it could get discouraging.

I basically just make sure I have as much fun as I can any enjoy the ride wherever that may take me.

Olivea Sea

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
I always find it interesting to know why people spend all their spare time making videos that only a few hundred people might see. Like are you doing it for money, fame or just enjoyment?

Personally my end game would be to make a comfortable living from making videos. If I go bigger than that then bonus. I love making videos and wating for all the nice comments to feed my ego, I get such a kick out of uploading something and getting feedback. If I could make that a full time job I'd be living the dream.

Let me know you reasons down below.

At the moment my reasons are changing, I'm doing anything I can to step up my game in becoming a Makeup Artist and I see my channel as a part of it before I only saw it as a hobby. I'm starting my study into makeup artistry this month but finding a job next to it has been very challenging or for better words non-existent so my channel is becoming more of a priority and more important for me to get successful in.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jul 28, 2016
I wish to build a community with the channel. Help others and grow, and have fun especially. The downside is that creating content you want is HARD. But I wish to educate people on cool facts and stuff. Talk about some things, what annoys me, what is concerning.. you know? Iwant to make a community for all of us.

As of right now I'm planning on doing Top 10 videos, since htose are pretty popular nowadays. Besides. It's fun to research and share what you learned :p


The Crazy Boi
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016
I make videos in my spare time because I want to have fun, playing games like I normally do, but open up a possible career path. My hopes when I am older is that I have a successful YouTube and I stream happily while living well.

Nordic Chronicles

Freedom! Partner
Freedom! Member
Jun 8, 2014
U.S.A, Illinois.
I make videos mainly because it is fun, and I enjoy editing and learning new tricks with my editing program. Personally, I don't look at youtube as a source of income, rather a community in which I can either learn or connect with others.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 8, 2016
Sunny Scotland
Woah guys I didn't expect this many people to reply lol. Some crazy inspiring and noble reasons there. Best of luck to all of you.

I heard this cheesy but inspiring quote and I kind of live by it. If you want something as bad as you want to breathe your gonna get it.

Also this one is kinda grim but effective. Imagine someone mugged you and held a gun to your head saying "I'm going to give you one year to become as successful as possible on YouTube, if you aren't successful enough by the end of that year I'm going to come back and shoot you". Imagine what you would do with that year to become successful. Use that kind of drive and we're all going to be YouTube stars.

Game Crash Studios

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 31, 2015
I always find it interesting to know why people spend all their spare time making videos that only a few hundred people might see. Like are you doing it for money, fame or just enjoyment?

Personally my end game would be to make a comfortable living from making videos. If I go bigger than that then bonus. I love making videos and wating for all the nice comments to feed my ego, I get such a kick out of uploading something and getting feedback. If I could make that a full time job I'd be living the dream.

Let me know you reasons down below.
I make videos for 3 reasons. 1. I enjoy it 2. It's a way to practice editing 3. why not


Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 25, 2014
I started making videos when I first created my account it was just because I found cheats on a game that nobody else knew (back when cheats where a thing) and saints row 4 just came out I uploaded a movie maker video of just scrolling credits of the cheats and a few years went by and I found my video in a recommended with like 85,000 views and I jumped on that channel and started making videos because I noticed people liked them but I wasn't doing it for the right reasons and I didn't grow that much I was making videos because I wanted the views back then, once I changed my perspective and decided to just make videos to build a great community my channel started growing and I currently make videos to build a fun helpful great community I think of my subscribers as a community rather then just subscribers and rather then just views :) they will tend to grow on you and its always great to help people out :) Thats why I make videos